Last Friday morning I tuned in to the final 30 minutes of the Royal Wedding, just in time for the Bishop’s homily. As I watched Kate Middleton’s chest heave, despite her composed face, it took me back to my first short-lived marriage. My family told me years later that I looked scared to death coming down the aisle and the wedding photos didn't lie!
My gown was beautiful and I think I paid only $120 for it back in 1977. For some reason, well, for two reasons, I saved it until this past weekend. First, I ambitiously thought I could use the material to make a frothy little girl’s dress, back in the days when I did use a sewing machine. Then, inertia set in. The dress was tucked in the bottom of a cedar chest for three decades until I scoured the house recently for yard sale items.
I took the gown to the company charity yard sale on Saturday morning and hung it on a tree, where it gently swayed in the breeze. Finally, a buyer said she would take it if I wouldn’t be offended by what she wanted to do with it. “Oh? What’s that?” I asked. “Well,” she said, “I’d like to use it in a Halloween display for a skeleton bride.” “Ten bucks and it’s yours!”
I’m blessed to have a husband who still thinks of me as his bride and he loves to buy me dresses (and clothes in general). Although he’s had a few misses over the years, for the most part I’m always thrilled to respond to compliments with “Thanks! My husband has good taste, doesn’t he?”
Another side, but relevant, note: the charity yard sale raised just shy of $2,000 for the medical expenses of a former co-worker, whose husband is in Stage IV melanoma. Our thoughts and prayers are with Robin and Tom.
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