Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's Moving Day...Of Course It's Raining

Almost at the eleventh hour it's all come together. The last of the large items have been sold and will be picked up by tomorrow when we come back to clean the townhouse. Meanwhile, the moving company showed up at 8 o'clock on the dot and are busily covering the tile and wood floors and the carpet in preparation to make countless steps in and out of the house.

The rain was originally forecast to be later in the day and we hoped to avoid it but when I woke up at 6 o'clock I could hear it on the roof. Great. So the only place I can get a wireless signal is out on the deck, the bare deck, I might add. I can literally feel my hair devolve into chia-being. Great.

Last night was the last night after nearly 16 years in this home, the longest either of us have lived in the same place. Although Bill hasn't verbalized it, his emotions are all over his face; he hates endings so this is sad for him. He's also very worried about all the stuff we'll be moving to the boat, where it will fit without cluttering up surfaces, how accessible it will be. We'll just have to make a committed and concerted effort to stow things after we use them.

The Village of Bradfordwoods is a very lovely community, made up of single family homes and four-unit townhome buildings, built in a New England style, with addresses like Saybrook, Mystic, Marblehead, Salem and Boothbay Harbors. Over the years it's been funny to watch sales clerks struggle with our address: "How do you spell 'harbor'?" "Is Bradfordwoods one word or two?" This area is both very accessible to major highways and turnpikes and also off the beaten path, with lots of green space, a couple of koi-stocked ponds, and a walking trail. The local fauna include deer, raccoons, herons, snapping turtles, foxes, the occasional snake and of course, bullfrogs who share the ponds with the koi.

This has been a nice place to grow into middle age. We'll miss it, even as we look forward to new adventures and challenges on the water. Did I ever mention that I'm not a very good swimmer?

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