You see a lot of feet during the summer time. Very few are model-quality flawless and most reflect either a tortured life of being stuffed into shoes that are not “foot-shaped” or of exposure to hot sand, hard pavement and everything inbetween.
Recently I was accosted in the dairy aisle of our local grocery store by a man who admired my toenail polish. First we did the cart dance, trying to maneuver past each other and then he said: That’s a beautiful color on your toes. What is it? Me: (Duh.) Red. Him: Oh, no, I think it has some orange in it. Me: (Let me outta here!) Um, no, just red.
I thought that was the last of it but as I was unloading my bagged groceries he came by with his cartful and paused: Have you ever considered wearing a toe ring? Me: (This guy really has a foot fetish.) Um, no. Him: Well, you should. You have beautiful feet. In fact, you’re a very beautiful woman. Me: (Oh, puh-leeze.) Um, thank you. Have a nice day.
As you can see, my feet are rather average, nothing to write about (except that I am!), however that whole exchange started me thinking about feet. Body massages are nice, but give me a foot massage any day! There’s just something about having my feet pummeled, rubbed and yes, tickled, that feels oh so good.
[Short digression: Head massages come in a close second. Last week I impulsively splurged on a good haircut and color at a local Philip Pelusi salon – a shout out to Galena at the Waterworks salon – and when the color was rinsed, the stylist gave me a wonderful head massage. I hoped it would never end!]
Back to feet…Bill and I have been trying to walk more this summer and when we do, I make sure to wear my orthotics (shoe inserts that even up my hips). But having worn sandals most of the summer (i.e., no orthotics), a recent walk was extremely painful as the pressure points on my feet had changed because my hips were out of alignment. Now a new pair of shoes is cruelly and painfully pinching at my toes; I actually padded barefoot around the office one afternoon!
All this to explain why I’m falling short of the servant request to “take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.”1 No speed, no beauty here! I am thankful that I have two functioning feet when so many of our U.S. troops have returned home without one or both, when so many people in Third World countries have lost their feet to parasites or land mines, when those whose jobs require them to be on their feet for long hours can barely walk at the end of their shift.
Jesus showed us how to serve each other and how to lead with humbleness when he washed the feet of his disciples. Peter – always Peter! – protested when it was his turn (Lord, are you going to wash my feet?) but soon asked to be cleansed all over. Jesus’ example and words tell us to do as He has done for us and in doing so receive the blessing of pure grace.2
1 From an 1874 hymn, “Take My Life and Let It Be”, written by Frances Havergal.
2 John 13:1-17
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